
Town of Fort Erie Allows Paddle Boards/Kayaks At Bay Beach

Recently, I asked TOFE Council to support a pilot project to allow for Kayaks and Paddle Boards at the Bay Beach public beach facility. I am happy to report that I was successfully in achieving this goal and thank TOFE Council and Staff for their support in making this happen for the 2024 season. The…


OLT Turns Down Appeal On Short Term Rental Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments

The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) advising that the appeal filed by a citizens group called the Fort Erie Neighbourhood Preservation Group (OLT OLT-24-000248 and OLT-24-000249) regarding both the Town of Fort Erie’s Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment for Short Term Rentals (01-2024 and 02-2024) was dismissed on June 6, 2024, following Royal Assent…