
Council Approves Proposed Draft Plan of Condominium & Zoning By-Law Amendment 272 Ridge Road South with Amendments

At tonight’s Council meeting council considered the Proposed Draft Plan of Condominium and Zoning By-law Amendment – Canadian Condominium – 272 Ridge Road South – Wendy McGaeghan and Patrick McGaeghan – Owners – Culture Developments Inc. / 5038257 Ontario Inc. (Craig Devries) – Agent. This proposed draft plan of subdivision was approved with two amendments moved by myself and supported by the majority of Council. The amendments included adding that no Short Term Rentals (STR) be allowed in this subdivision and no roof top patio’s or amenity space be allowed on the upper levels of this proposal. To review the proposal that council considered visit 

To view the recording of the meeting click here

Tom Lewis

Tom Lewis is the Ward 5 City Councilor in Niagara Falls.

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