
Fort Erie Council notebook: noise and nuisance bylaw proposal, short-term rental permits

Councillors clashed over a land-use study regarding short-term rentals in Fort Erie, unable to agree on whether the report should be presented at the end of May as planned, or if it should be moved up to a special council meeting on May 1.

“(The town’s) expedited path does not create a solution for 2023. The businesses are hurting, the people who have made investments in the community are hurting, it has affected the real estate market, and for those reasons and those reasons alone, I will welcome an expedited process,” said Coun. Tom Lewis. 

Lewis noted that for a recent hockey tournament held in Fort Erie, participants had to find accommodations outside the town due to a lack of hotels, motels and short-term rentals available for participants. 

The study, which focuses on where short-term rentals can be appropriately permitted, was initiated in August 2022. 

When the study is completed, council will be able to use the it to make decisions about what changes are necessary to the official plan and zoning bylaws.

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Tom Lewis

Tom Lewis is the Ward 5 City Councilor in Niagara Falls.

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