
Niagara Health pulls out of Fort Erie’s community health care committee

Earlier tonight, Fort Erie Council addressed the resignation letter from Niagara Health and clarified key points. It is unfortunate that Niagara Health chose to resign from the Community Health Services Committee, citing limited progress. However, several council members and staff highlighted the significant advancements made over the past 2.5 years and decades long frustration with Niagara Health.

“I appreciate the efforts of this council and administration to collaborate with Niagara Health, despite their apparent unwillingness to work with us. I think its time that this council seriously discusses the $3m we have previously committed to the new Niagara South Hospital as they have once again changed the rules” Tom Lewis Ward Five Councillor Town of Fort Erie

To view the recording on the Fort Erie You Tube Channel click here (Conversation starts at time 41:00)

To view the letter Notice of Resignation – Harpreet Bassi, Niagara Health Representative- Community Health Services Committee click here

Fort Erie Radio coverage of the Council Meeting click here

Below is a summary of my comments raised at the Council meeting

I understand that the previous Council made a commitment for local share to the new South Niagara hospital in the amount of $3M.  At the time that Council agreed to that funding, I believe that Niagara Health had outlined a hospital restructuring plan with the three-hospital model, AND the operation of Urgent Care Centres in Port Colborne and Fort Erie.

If that’s the case, we have seen Niagara Health reduce Urgent Care services at both sites from 24 hours to 12 hours – and more recently, have stated their plan to close the UCCs once the new South Niagara Hospital site opens. 

What has changed since this original plan and commitment were made? 

I fully support keeping a promise as long as the rules don’t change – but it seems that they have over time – and I don’t want to be the one requesting that we revisit our $3M local share commitment, but I think we may need to discuss it at some point. 

I understand that decisions may be driven by provincial funding – so if the province needs to increase the funding to operate the new hospital AND keep primary care services in Fort Erie, then we should be supporting each other to achieve THAT goal.

I am hopeful that we can engage the Niagara Health Board in some meaningful discussions on how to either continue operation of the Urgent Care Centre or find a viable AND funded alternative to provide primary care to Fort Erie residents and visitors.  And if we need to advocate for them to remain fully funded by the Province to operate a much needed, state of the art hospital for our emergency and acute care needs, without reallocating our UCC funding, then we should be working collaboratively on that.

Niagara Health has a listening problem. What’s missing is we don’t have partner

I would also like to know how much in operational savings there has been for Niagara Health since the hours were reduced.

What Fort Erie/the committee has done in the last 2.5 years?

There is more work to be done and we will continue forward and remain open to Niagara Health participation on the Committee

  • Terms of Reference updated in 2023
  • Hosted initial meeting of all Fort Erie Family Physicians (70%)
  • Surveyed Family Physicians re:  community needs to inform the Committee’s work
  • Assisted with 2023 Expression of Interest for Interdisciplinary Care Teams put out by Ministry of Health
  • Government Advocacy at AMO, ROMA and through on-going GR efforts
  • Updated Physician Recruitment, Retention Policy (Incentive Program)
  • New Investment in REACH Niagara – reinvestments with Pathstone Youth Mental Health & Memory Clinic
  • Regular meetings with Ministry Staff, Ontario Health West, Niagara OHT/ESON, Niagara Health to discuss Fort Erie Health Service needs and potential models
  • Meetings with NOHT/ESON to support 2024 EOI submission for increased primary care support services
  • Hosted Family Physician meetings with guests from NOHT & Niagara Health
  • Visit from Federal Minister of Health and MP Badawey
  • Soon to launch resident survey re:  primary care as part of data collection
  • Physician recruitments efforts with specific efforts focusing on repatriation of Canadians working abroad and/or attracting international trained physicians
  • 3 Physicians recruited since 2022 (Dr. Hamma, Dr. Sharma & Dr. Bharti)

Tom Lewis

Tom Lewis is the Ward 5 City Councilor in Niagara Falls.

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