
OLT Turns Down Appeal On Short Term Rental Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments

The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) advising that the appeal filed by a citizens group called the Fort Erie Neighbourhood Preservation Group (OLT OLT-24-000248 and OLT-24-000249) regarding both the Town of Fort Erie’s Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment for Short Term Rentals (01-2024 and 02-2024) was dismissed on June 6, 2024, following Royal Assent of Bill 185.

Anyone with questions concerning this matter can be directed to the following Email: or Phone: (416) 212 6349 or toll free (866) 448 2248

For more information on Fort Erie Short Term Rentals visit click here

If you are looking to obtain a Short Term Rental Licence click here

Tom Lewis

Tom Lewis is the Ward 5 City Councilor in Niagara Falls.

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