Earlier tonight Town of Fort Erie Council unanimously voted in support of the Staff Recommendation to deny the proposed amendment to the Town’s Zoning By-law No. 129-90 for Report No. PDS-25-2023 for lands known as 4409 Erie Road #CrystalBeach.
The Zoning By-law Amendment application proposed to demolish the existing one-story single detached dwelling, retain the existing two-story single detached dwelling, and rezone the subject property to a site-specific Residential Multiple 1 (RM1) Zone to facilitate the development of 8 new residential dwelling units.
Council denied the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application for the following reasons:
– the proposal does not consider the character of the surrounding established residential neighbourhood;
– the subject property and waterfront properties along Lake Erie more generally were not identified for infilling and intensification;
– the proposal does not provide for appropriate open space on-site; and
– the property is not located within convenient walking distance from the elements of a traditional neighbourhood.
To read the full report visit https://bit.ly/400mYdl
Thank you to everyone who attended the meetings, provided meaningful and thoughtful comments as we considered this application.